
Remote Client Taven Hathaway Increased Mound Velocity From 82 To 89 MPH In 3 Months

Taven Hathaway, remote client. What Tavin has to say about the 90 mph formula, “I like how it’s gotten me stronger and faster than anything else I’ve done before. Three months ago, my velo was 80 mph and no sign of rising, and since I’ve been doing these workouts, I just hit 89 and hope to average 90 by season. I was also just named a pre-season All-American.”

July 2020 #90mphformula Metrics:
Height: 6’1
Weight: 230 lbs
Weight/height coefficient: 3.15
Deadlift: TB 325 lbs x 1
Chin Up: 1 BW
Reverse lunge: 185 lbs x 1
Long Toss: 270 feet
Mound velocity: 82 mph

October 2020 #90mphformula Metrics:
Height: 6’1
Weight: 235 lbs
Weight/height coefficient: 3.21
Deadlift: TB 440 lbs x 1
Chin Up: 5 BW
Reverse Lunge: 225 lbs x 1
Long Toss: 320 feet
Mound velocity: 89 mph

To learn more about our remote programming services, visit our website by clicking here.

Joe Grigas, DSU Baseball, Increased PD Velocity from 67 To 91 In 3 Years

Many will see our posts highlighting wild gains in a very short window. Sure, we have those cases, but many more are the slow and steady variation. Here is a great example of what consistency can do for your progress.

Joe Grigas, a long-time client writes, “When I first saw that I threw 67 from the outfield after a showcase when I was 16 I was extremely frustrated. But it was also at the moment I became motivated to fix that because I knew that was not going to cut it at the next level. I was very skinny and weak at that time so I knew I had to add size and strength in order to increase my arm strength. I was able to get this far since then because I was working out the right way through Dr. Heenan’s Instagram posts on the 90 mph formula and what I was also able to learn at Advanced Therapy and Performance with Brian Donofrio. Driving those 7 hours a week in the winter and summer from NYC to Stamford was one of the best things I did for my baseball career. What really helped my velo take-off was obviously improving my relative strength numbers, putting on weight, fixing mobility restrictions, and improving some really bad mechanics. Now on the road to 95!”

2017 #90mphformula Metrics:
Height: 6’2
Weight: 170 lbs
Weight/height coefficient: 2.29
Deadlift: 315 lbs x 1
Chin Up: 3 BW
Reverse lunge: 95 lbs x 10 per side
Long Toss: 225 feet
Pull down velocity: 67 mph
Exit velocity: 85 mph

2020 #90mphformula Metrics:
Height: 6’3
Weight: 200 lbs
Weight/height coefficient: 2.66
Deadlift: 405 lbs x 1
Chin Up: 250 lbs x 1
Reverse Lunge: 200 lbs x 10 per side
Long Toss: 315 feet
Pull down velocity: 91 mph
Exit velocity: 98 mph

To learn more about our on-site training, visit our website by clicking here.

Brenden Evans, Remote Client, 87 To 93 MPH In A Year

Brenden’s testimony: “I like how the training gets right to the point. It doesn’t allow for excuses, and a lot of it is metric based. This allows you to track your progress daily.”

January 2020 #90mphformula Metrics:
Height: 5’10
Weight: 175 lbs
Weight/height coefficient: 2.5
Deadlift: TB 430 lbs x 1
Chin up: 200 lbs x 1
Reverse lunge: 275 lbs x 1
Long Toss: 300 feet
Mound velocity: 87 mph

January 2021 #90mphformula Metrics:
Height: 5’11
Weight: 195 lbs
Weight/height coefficient: 2.74
Deadlift: conventional 570 lbs x 1
Chin up: 250 lbs x 1
Reverse Lunge: 355 lbs x 1
Long Toss: 350 feet
Mound velocity: 93 mph

To learn more about our remote programming services, visit our website by clicking here.

Matt Increased His Run-and-Gun Velocity From 73 To 91 MPH In 8 Months

Matt Stoddart, free content user. In 8 months, he added 25lbs of mass, more than 150lbs to his deadlift, over 100lbs to his squat (now at 435lbs), and most importantly, 50 feet to his long toss. He never lunged prior to this training so we had no numbers to compare.

Matt recounts what made him try the program, “I was putting in minimal effort at the time. I was hardly eating 3 meals a day, going through the motions in the gym, and wasn’t on any type of structured throwing program. Honestly, I always wanted to throw hard. I thought I was doing enough to add some mph until I saw what other guys that threw way harder than me we doing, and I knew I had a lot to work on. Looking back at it now I didn’t deserve to throw hard, I didn’t put in enough work.”

Matt’s experience with the 90 mph formula, “In April, my run and gun was 73mph. I started increasing my body weight and all my numbers in the gym. I also used weighted balls over the summer. Since April I put on about 25 pounds. I came across your profile about 4 months ago and started following the 90 mph formula. I met all the numbers in the formula and hit 91 today for the first time.”

Matt’s #90mphformula Metrics:
5’10” 195lbs
TB Deadlift: 430lbs for 5×5
Reverse Lunge: 195lbs x10
Chin up: 215lbs x5
Longtoss: 300+ feet

To learn more about our remote programming services, visit our website by clicking here.

High School Outfielder Increased Velocity From 83 To 90 MPH In 11 Months

Corbin Gillentine, remote client. Corbin added 30 pounds of mass and 7 mph to his run and gun in 11-months of remote programming. For guys like him, it usually is a direct correlation to the mass that they have gained that shows up on the radar gun. Outstanding work and lessons for an outfielder who is only a freshman in high school, and congrats on being named a 2020 pre-season all American!

June 2019 #90mphformula Metrics:
Height: 5’10
Weight: 155 lbs
Height/weight coefficient: 2.21
Deadlift: 365 lbs x 1
Chin Up: 8
Reverse Lunge: N/A
Long Toss: 295 feet
Pull down Velocity: 83 mph

May 2020 #90mphformula Metrics:
Height: 5’10
Weight: 185 lbs
Height/weight coefficient: 2.64
Deadlift: 395 lbs x 1
Chin Up: 13
Reverse lunge: N/A
Long Toss: 315 feet
Pull down velocity: 90 mph

To learn more about our remote programming services, visit our website by clicking here.

Jack Weinberger Used The 90 MPH Formula To Help Recover From Surgery & Add 12 MPH In Two Months

Jack Weinberger, free content user. I thoroughly enjoy case studies like this that highlight less than optimal training environments yet still finding a way to put in the work. I give the 90 mph formula away for free to help those willing to help themselves. The only hurdle you have is actually putting in the work and sticking to the system. Jack was able to train his lunge by using two 40 lb dumbbells and doing sets of AMRAPs. He said that the biggest factor in his weight gain was learning how to cook big healthy meals. Great work Jack!

Jack says, “The 90 mph formula and Robby Row have been incredible resources as I re-explore my mechanics post hip surgery. I feel like every time I hit a roadblock in my training, the answer was always posted the next day. Thank you!”

March 2020 #90mphformula Metrics:
Height: 6’5
Weight: 205 lbs
Height/weight coefficient: 2.66
Deadlift: 405 lbs x 1
Chin Up: 5
Reverse Lunge: 185 lbs x 1
Long Toss: 250 feet
Pull down Velocity: 84 mph

May 2020 #90mphformula Metrics:
Height: 6’5
Weight: 220 lbs
Height/weight coefficient: 2.85
Deadlift: N/A
Chin Up: N/A
Reverse lunge: N/A
Long Toss: 300 feet
Pull down velocity: 96 mph

To learn more about our remote programming services, visit our website by clicking here.

Ahmad Harajli, U Michigan Baseball, Increased Mound Velocity From 85 To 96.7 MPH In 26 Months

Ahmad joined our remote programming platform, trying to get one last bump in velo before finishing up his senior year in high school with hopes of playing in college. For a young, healthy athlete that gets behind a good program, works hard, and stays consistent, we often see a significant jump in the big metrics, Ahmad is an excellent example of this, as you will see below.

7/29/2018 Metrics:
Height: 6’4”
Weight: 225lbs
Deadlift 1RM: 225lbs
Bodyweight Chin-up: 6 reps
Reverse Lunge 1RM: 185lbs
Long Toss: 210 feet
Top Mound Velocity: 85mph

2/21/2019 Metrics:
Height: 6’4”
Weight: 220lbs
Deadlift 1RM: 565lbs
Bodyweight Chin-up: 14 reps
Reverse Lunge 1RM: 275lbs
Long Toss: 310 feet
Top Mound Velocity: 91mph

The formula helps give perspective to what big domino will move the athletes’ performance in the right direction— fast. This is highlighted in his addition of 6mph in 5-months prior to his PG year. Ahmad has since taken a PG year at IMG academy and started playing baseball at the University of Michigan beginning this fall.

10/9/2020 Metrics:
Height: 6’4”
Weight: 240
Deadlift 1RM: 625lbs
Bodyweight Chin-up: 14 reps
Reverse Lunge 1RM: 425lbs
Long Toss: 370 feet
Top Mound Velocity: 96.7mph

In my opinion, his use of a PG year was perfect. He had the skill set to play at the next level and set-up a plan to make sure he was progressing and being seen by his dream schools. An option that many high school juniors and seniors dealing with the hurdles of corona redshirts should evaluate.

To learn more about our remote programming services, visit our website by clicking here.

Andrew Hammer, High School Junior, Increased His Mound Velocity From 71 To 80 MPH In 15 Months

Andrew started training with us last summer as a rising high school sophomore. Andrew was new to the weight room when he started. Like most young athletes, we started by teaching him movement patterns with high volume and low intensity.

After a few months of getting Andrew into better positions, we started to increase the load on his lifts, and he went from a guy who couldn’t do a bodyweight chin-up to being able to control up to 4 elite reps. Andrew had never deadlifted or reverse lunged before starting- As of September 2020 he’s putting up 275lb on his deadlift and repping out 155lb on a front rack reverse lunge.

In Andrew’s training, we will continue to add load to his lifts and clean up his mechanics on the mound. Now being a high school junior, continuing Andrew’s progress in the weight room and on the mound will be essential to his recruitment to play at the next level.

June 2019 #90mphformula Metrics:
Height: 5’7”
Weight: 155 lbs
Deadlift: N/A
Chin-up: 0 BW
Reverse lunge: 60 lbs x 3/side
Long toss: 200 feet
Mound velocity: 71 mph

September 2020 #90mphformula Metrics:
Height: 5’10”
Weight: 165 lbs
Deadlift: 275 lbs x 1
Chin-up: 4 BW
Reverse lunge: 155 lbs x 3/side
Long toss: 280 feet
Mound velocity: 80 mph

To learn more about our on-site training, visit our website by clicking here.

Matt Catalfo, KU Baseball, 85 To 94 MPH In 30 Months

Matt Catalfo, remote client. Matt says, “I love training with Dr. Heenan and ATP because they don’t try to attract people with fake results and unrealistic promises of instant results, instead, they give you all the resources you need to improve and if you put in the work day by day you’ll see significant improvements.”

Notice the heavy correlation between reverse lunge, 60-yard dash, OF velocity, and exit velocity. I’ve never seen another movement in the gym have the same transfer to the field.

January 2018 #90mphformula Metrics:
Height: 5’10
Weight: 155 lbs
Weight/height coefficient: 2.21
Deadlift: TB 335 lbs x 1
Chin Up: 14 BW
Reverse lunge: 220 lbs x 1
Long Toss: 240 feet
OF velocity: 85 mph
Exit velocity: 86mph
60-yard dash: 6.8 sec

September 2020 #90mphformula Metrics:
Height: 5’10
Weight: 185 lbs
Weight/height coefficient: 2.64
Deadlift: sumo 465 lbs x 1 TB 500 lbs x 1
Chin Up: 20 BW
Reverse Lunge: 330 lbs x 1
Long Toss: 330 feet
OF velocity: 94 mph
Exit velocity: 95mph
60-yard dash: 6.41 sec

To learn more about our on-site training, visit our website by clicking here.

Hunter Increased His Mound Velocity From 84 To 92 MPH In 3 Months With ATP

Hunter Steger, remote client. “I was topping 84 when I started remote programming. By the beginning of August, I hit 90 in a bullpen and 92 in the 6th inning of my game two days later. All of that within 3-months. It’s the only program that has been worth my money by far!”

May 3rd 2020 #90mphformula Metrics:
Height: 6’2
Weight: 189 lbs
Weight/height coefficient: 2.55
Deadlift: 315 lbs x 1
Chin-up: 12 for body weight
Reverse lunge: 225 lbs x 1
Long toss: 305 feet
Mound velocity: 84 mph

August 6th 2020 #90mphformula Metrics:
Height: 6’2
Weight: 198 lbs
Weight/height coefficient: 2.67
Deadlift: 405 lbs x 1
Chin-up: 19 for body weight
Reverse lunge: 275 lbs x 1
Long toss: 335 feet
Mound velocity: 92 mph

To learn more about our on-site training, visit our website by clicking here.

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