Sammy Stafura, free content user, says, “Following the Instagram pages for Dr. Heenan, the 90 mph formula, and ATP has had major impacts on every aspect of my baseball ability. The exercises, formulas, and all the knowledge they provide helped me get significantly stronger, faster, more powerful, and my arm strength has seen major improvements. I cannot thank you guys enough for all the quality content you provide.”

October 2019 #90mphformula Metrics:
Bodyweight: 140 lbs
Deadlift: 195 lbs x 3
Chin Up: 3 Bodyweight
Reverse Lunge: 135 lbs x 4
Long toss: 240 feet

February 2020 #90mphformula Metrics:
Bodyweight: 162 lbs
Deadlift: 275 lbs x 5
Chin Ups: 12 Bodyweight
Reverse Lunge: 245 lbs x 1
Long toss: 270 feet

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