Luke says, about his training with ATP, “Following ATP’s free content and implementing the 90mph formula into my own workouts allowed me to see results that I didn’t know were possible. Focusing on baseball-specific training really made a difference. Deadlifting and reverse lunges are exercises that I have immediately felt carry over to the mound. I’ve also loved the unilateral movements and the exercises that challenge core and stability. Taking this approach to training also allowed me to be more mobile, in control of my body, and throw without pain. I couldn’t have accomplished what I have so far if not for Advanced Therapy and Performance.”

May 2020 #90mphformula Metrics:
Height: 6’4
Weight: 215 lbs
Weight/height coefficient: 2.82
Deadlift: Conventional 455 lbs x 1
Chin up: 8 BW
Reverse lunge: 135 lbs x 1
Long Toss: 300 feet feet
Pull down velocity: 92 mph
Mound velocity: 84 mph

January 2021 #90mphformula Metrics:
Height: 6’4
Weight: 225 lbs
Weight/height coefficient: 2.96
Deadlift: conventional 455 lbs x 2
Chin up: 11 BW
Reverse Lunge: 225 lbs x 3
Long Toss: 320 feet
Pull down velocity: 102 mph
Mound velocity: 95 mph

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