Heath has followed our accounts for 2 years now. He goes through our pages, finds a lift to do here, a stretch to do there, and tons of healthy habits that all athletes should follow. Since he started looking at our free content, he has gained 65 lbs and 13 mph on his fastball. The 90 mph formula is simple, but not easy. If you work hard with our stuff our stuff will work for you. Heath is now a Samford University Baseball commit.

2018 #90mphformula Metrics:
Height: 6’3
Weight: 145 lbs
Weight/height coefficient: 1.93
Deadlift: 225 lbs x 1
Chin Up: 5 BW
Reverse lunge: 105 lbs x 5 per side
Long Toss: 260 feet
Mound velocity: 75 mph

2020 #90mphformula Metrics:
Height: 6’6
Weight: 210 lbs
Weight/height coefficient: 2.7
Deadlift: 350 lbs x 1
Chin Up: 5 BW
Reverse Lunge: 205 lbs x 10 per side
Long Toss: 310 feet
Mound velocity: 88 mph

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