The 90 mph formula is based on evidence-based research in the realms of physical therapy, orthopedics, sports performance, and throwing. Add in critical thinking and thousands of case studies, the expected results are obvious.

Video and radar tell an amazing story that is hard to fabricate. Check out Andrew’s first throw. Although his intent was max effort for him, he wastes a ton of energy with his pre-throw vertical skip. It’s tough to create horizontal force when you are jumping vertically!

Fast forward to his 90mph throw and his uphill training throws, look at how his lower body moves forward. Smooth and linear that generates a ton more horizontal power, all very important for an outfielder.

Many will look at the before and after videos and say, “Well obviously he’s not throwing hard, he’s not trying and he jumped before he threw” completely omitting that a portion of getting better requires deliberate practice using the right tools to overcome those exact patterns.

September 2019 #90mphformula Metrics:
Height: 5’10
Weight: 169
Weight/height coefficient: 2.4
Deadlift: 365lbs x 1
Chin Up: 9 Bodyweight
Reverse lunge: 205lbs x 1/side
Long Toss: 275 ft
Pull down velocity: 81 mph
Exit velocity: 87 mph

July 2020 #90mphformula Metrics:
Height: 5’10
Weight: 181 lbs
Weight/height coefficient: 2.6
Deadlift: 425×1
Chin Up: 250 lb x 1
Reverse lunge: 285lbs x 1/side
Long Toss: 310 ft
Pull down velocity: 90 mph
Exit velocity: 91 mph

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